Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Murray River Australian sea salt. Best Seller! All natural peach color, high in minerals and delicate in flavor.

Murray River Australian sea salt. Best Seller! All natural peach color, high in minerals and delicate in flavor. Review

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Murray River Australian sea salt. Best Seller! All natural peach color, high in minerals and delicate in flavor. Feature

These delicate peach colored flakes have a delightful crunch and mild flavor. An ideal finishing salt on all of your foods. These flakes melt evenly making it a perfect salt for baking and cooking. It also combines well with dry spices. Murray River Sea Salt is produced naturally from the underground brine pools in the Murray Darling River in Australia. This all natural Sea Salt will be one of your favorites.Available as well in our handy Artisan Can storage system with magnetic bottom and also in both of our World Gourmet and Pacific Gourmet Sea Salt Samplers.

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